*This has been on her list since she was 3 years old.
Done! Cinderella and Cocoa joined us in April, 2012.
Close enough! We caught their stage show in Toronto, March 2012
*This has been on her list since she was about 18 months old.
Done! Stella joined us in August, 2011

Done! Got to go snowshoeing and dogsledding during a winter fun day at the Kortright Centre, January 2011.

Done! Sally joined us September 1, 2010

Done! We took the Zephyr out to Flowerpot Island during our trip to the Bruce, July 2010.

Done! We went camping at the Bruce Peninsula National Park (July 2010) and Presqu'ile Provincial Park (August 2010).
Visit Hawaii
Go horseback riding
Get a driver's licence